There are many groups promoting a different kind of commemoration of the
September 11 2001 terror attacks that had such an effect on the
world. Although there will be much official ceremony dedicated to
he solemn but flag-waving celebrations of heroes,
this year we also see an urge toward peaceful, mindful focus. Some
groups organize mass meditations, others invite all comers to
join in the commemoration at concerts and speechs about
Oneness. Still others will sing or come together to make music.
In any case, while we have not looked at most of the
anniversaries, this one seems to be in large measure an attempt to regenerate the
shared interest in doing things that make a better world
which characterized the first days or weeks after the 9/11
attacks. Many people at that time thought the tragedy was a wake-up
call to come together, to recognize our common humanity, and to
work on solutions to the problems that had festered unattended
until they exploded in the flames that brought down the Twin
The GCP event was set to include as many of the world wide
commemoration events as possible, beginning with ceremonies in
Bali at 5pm local time and ending after the last of the One the
Event activities at 7pm local in Seattle, WA. The span is from
0800 UTC on the 11th to 02:00 UTC on the 12th of Sept, 2011.
The result is Chisquare 64848 on 64800 df, for p = 0.446 and Z
= 0.136.
It is important to keep in mind that we have only a tiny
statistical effect, so that it is always hard to distinguish
signal from noise. This means that every "success" might be
largely driven by chance, and every "null" might include a real
signal overwhelmed by noise. In the long run, a real effect can
be identified only by patiently accumulating replications of
similar analyses.