Erfurt School Shooting

I received a note from Eckhard Etzold that briefly gave notice of the tragic episode in Germany. Sadly, the infection of random violence in schools is not confined to the United States. On 26 April, at about 11:00, an angry student began shooting people and before killing himself, he had killed 18 teachers, staff, and fellow students, and torn a substantial rent in the social fabric of trust.

I made a formal prediction for GCP response during the period from 11:00 in Germany which is 09:00 GMT, extending for three hours to 12:00 GMT. This period was modeled on the similar tragedy in Littleton, Colorado. The result shows an unusually ragged looking trace, with a final cumulative Chisquare of 10977 on 10800 df, and p = 0.115.

Erfurt School Shooting

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