Global OM

Earthdance 2007 is among the many organizations participating in 30 Days of Peace, which is a promotion of peace visions and actions all over the world for a month, September 11, 2007 through October 10, 2007 Earthdance takes place on Sept 15, and a special focus is on a "Global OM" taking place on that day at 4:00 pm PST:

GLOBAL OM The world's largest synchronized sound event.

At 7pm Eastern Standard Time (4pm PST) on September 15th, 2007 millions of people across the world will unite their voices to create the world's largest synchronized Global OM, uniting over 350 Earthdance locations in 60 countries.

This magic moment will be the highlight of the 11th annual Earthdance International peace festival, and will be the first time in recorded history that global participants will attune to a special specific frequency that is derived from the natural sound of the Earth itself (see below for more information).

We invite you to join us in making this a significant global event.

Download the Prayer for Peace -Global Om track.

To covert to your timezone click this link: http://www.earthdance...

The descriptions suggested that the global OM would be 15 minutes long, and synchronized around the world. Our formal prediction was for the 15 minutes plus or minus 30 minutes, which is from 22:30 to 23:45 UTC. There is a slight positive trend, with Chisquare 4525.86 on 4500 df, for p=0.390 and Z=0.279.

Global OM

To provide a little context, we looked at a little longer period, a total of two hours at the end of the UTC day. The trend is more impressive, and suggests that there might have been some effect of the general mood and shared interest generated by Earthdance and its promotion of conscious intent for peace.

Global OM

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