Links: Planet Work, Beautiful Earth, Consciousness
This page has links to sites interested in building the future, while other pages provide links to professional and academic resources.
The list of links below expresses some of our feeling for the earth and our possibilities on this beautiful planet. If you explore these, you will see that there is a growing and surprisingly coherent network of people with related motivations to honor our only home. You may find connections important to your needs, and without doubt you will find enjoyment looking through these riches.
On-site pages
Other sites
We would appreciate an email if you encounter a broken link below or want to recommend a site for this list. You are welcome to provide a link to the GCP ( on your website, and may use one of the logo images below in the context of the link (but not for-profit linkfarms are welcome.)
The Institute of Noetic Sciences is a close colleague of the GCP, which is logistically part of the IONS research program. There are two Teleseminar Interviews (archived) with Roger Nelson among a long list of very interesting
Shift in Action
speakers. There are also audio files available and a small group of references concerning the GCP. - Global Coherence Initiative, another colleague, is developing a scientific and social network to unite millions in heart-focused care and intention — to shift global consciousness from instability and discord to balance, cooperation, and peace.
- May Peace Prevail On Earth Whenever, Wherever! Join with people all over the world by saying or using this simple universal prayer. Peace is powerful, for it enables our creativity.
- Meditation and CBD An article on how utilizing CBD Oil can enhance your overall meditation. Interesting and important information.
- Thousand Reasons is a comprehensive collection of US political news and opinions, from left and right and down the middle. It's a remarkable aggregation.
- Water Conservation is increasingly obvious as a mandate we must follow. The Hub Post provides a good list of actions you can take.
- Gathering of the Vibes is a festival of music and meditation for change to make the world a better place through political, environmental, and social activism.
- HUGS-service shares the "Sync-Vision" for synchronising the consciousness focus of millions round the Globe always in the first half UTC hour. We hope to bring simultaneity of meditations & deep prayers.
- Linda Ohlson Graham feels an intimate connection to the cosmos from spending time with the night sky in view. Sailing in the wind has rooted deeply her intention to be a catalyst to WORLD PEACE.
- Citzens for Successful Schools is a website providing connections and resources for people working to make good education available in urban schools whch have been failing.
- Truth Contest is a collection of web entities that are judged to be the best efforts to find and spread the truth about life and death, the ultimate truth. It includes thought provoking book-length articles detailing what's right and wrong in the world.
- PEACE365 is petitioning the United Nations, and asking us all to extend the International Day of Peace to include the remaining 365 days of the year.
Wingmakers is a large collection ideas, exotic music, paintings, poetry and
transmissions of profound insight.
It is linked to Event Temples which amplifies the same themes. - Gurdjieff Legacy provides concise access to fundamental principles of G. I. Gurdjieff's teaching of The Fourth Way, exploring the nature and expression of self.
- Do No Harm is a simple, and utterly clear presentation of a notion that deciding and working to do no harm will make us mindful, and bring us closer to our potential.
- Earthmind Center, is a central calendar and collaboration nexus for monthly Earthdance Global Meditations as well as other group meditation and prayer events.
- Do As One and Breathe Together A beautiful web place for us to share the power of breath. An encouragement to breathe in synchrony and come into harmony. What will it be like if millions of us become resonant?
- Collective Wisdom Initiative seeks alignment with the field of collective consciousness, and a deeper understanding of our connection with others, with life, and with the source of collective wisdom. See their introduction.
Infinite Eureka wishes to provide tools for rapid evolution of our collective consciousness via a
user manual for world enlightenment
and a set of ideas, a book and a social network which combines the knowledge thatall is one
with higher dimensional awareness. - Common Passion is a global collaborative connecting people from all walks of life who share compassion as a common passion. Collective intention, prayer, meditation and music can help solve the persistent problems of humankind.
- CNTK stands for the Center for Natural and Traditional Knowledge, whose purpose is provide and teach a template for sustainable co-existence, and environmental education.
- The Mercurial World Direct knowledge from the dimensionless reality. A blog with insights of Guru Om.
- Support for Spiritual Growth links to a plethora of groups, initiatives, and resources for shifting human consciousness and helping people grow spiritually. A related portal supports Values-Conscious Business.
- The Science of Peace is a film about an emerging new field of peace science, featuring interviews with pioneering physicists, biologists, psychologists and philosophers who see the promise in emerging fields of consciousness.
Positive Future Consulting presents new visions for social innovation, political strategies, and business management — and the
New America Papers
urging integration of enlightened spiritual perspectives. - The Days of Good team suggests we can change the world together. A practical invitation is to hold good intentions and to do only good during the days from 9 to 18 September 2007. And then to continue....
- Ministry for Peace is an organisation in the UK working for the creation of a Ministry for Peace within government. There are sister organizations in Australia and in the US, courtesy of Representative Dennis Kucinich.
- Design Principles looks at common, important qualities applied to Software, Permaculture, and the Sufi Art of Building Character.
- The Smiling Forehead is a sample of the spiritual message of Hasrat Inayat Khan, Sufi Master.
Only Love Prevails extends an invitation to be a catalyst for peace by participating in this World Peace Experiment. Help shift the perception from
good and evil
to a perception of love. - The Camino. We Are One. Dedicated to the victims of intolerance and indifference both past and future, the site uses pictures and music to teach, and gives links to possiblities.
- A Letter of Love is a personal but also universal expression of hope, love, and generosity of spirit as central elements in life.
Ashes and Snow is the work of Gregory Colbert captures extraordinary interactions between humans and animals, and brings
nature’s living masterpieces
to us in beautiful visions. - Universal Awakening is a meta-movement envisioning the development of greater harmony, creativity, and fulfillment, in a global community respectful of the unique character of both individuals and the communities in which we live.
- The Peaceful Planet presents the words of Gaia as a conscious entity. They encourage us to honor the sentience of this planet, and provide an inspirational perspective about, or perhaps by Mother Earth.
- Planetization Rising takes Teilhard de Chardin's concept of planetization as a focus for notes on ecology, politics, space, consciousness, spirit, inner work, and what's next.
Psi Wars, an animated spoof of Star Wars, using aspects of the Global Consciousness Project to raise awareness of the science of consciousness at the frontiers. Dean Radin becomes
Oh Be One Kenobi.
The page link is to an archived copy, but the Flash movie is still available. - The Joy of Sox is a film project that combines leading edge research on the science of consciousness with player and fan interviews to explore the passionate but mysterious energetic link between professional athletes and their devoted fans.
- Hour Money for Global Harmony is a thought provoking website that argues for adopting an hour of work as the base world money unit. I think it's a step toward eudemony (wellbeing) replacing money as a measure of value.
- The Best of Hubble is a survey of what we can perceive as a beautiful context for the universally interconnected world we touch with our inquiring minds. Should we not build telescopes instead of bombs?
- Global Vision has a big, beautiful world on the home page, with symbolic interconnections. Ecological reasoning, sustainability, leadership toward a sensible future.
- Conscious Evolution is Barbara Marx Hubbard's portal for sharing visions of a future that is our need and our destiny, in which self-aggrandizement is finally replaced by consciousness.
- Organelle proposes that collective consciousness in groups promotes human learning. Experiential contact with the sources of our metaphors, symbols, language and mythology helps us to re-member together.
- John Ludi is an independent Recording Artist, Writer, Social Critic, and Paranormal Researcher who believes music can change people's lives and broaden their minds. Check out his news (and ignore the flash if you can).
- Permanent Peace is an effort by scientists in the Trancendental Meditation organization to demonstrate the peace-creating power of human consciousness.
The Aeon Group is a
Corporation for Spiritual Renaissance,
devoted to the promotion and distribution of the yogic works of the seer/cosmologist, Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet. - Motto Citizens focuses on evolution of consciousness toward peace. The Way to See Whole is a collection of ideas intended to foster work for global unity.
- Ashoka seeks to develop the profession of social entrepreneurship around the world, and provides resources and connections for people creating civic institutions to promote social change.
- Metahistory is the quest for a future myth about humanity, a story of our own making that aligns our hearts and minds to intimacy with Gaia, the living earth.
- World Harmony Network proposes to catalyze our conscious evolution by bringing people together in a harmonious fashion to play their respective parts within the global family.
- Infinity Affinity encourages vision to make a world where everyone can express their divine gifts freely. You can join the Vision Holder's ndNetwork.
- Gaiamind is a site documenting one of the first powerful global meditations, January 23, 1997. The site is sometimes slow, so you can try an archived copy of it from January 2014.
- Fourmilab provides options on a grand scale for tailoring your own inspection of the Earth in its cosmic environment. This is John Walker's site, where you also will find the RetroPsychoKinesis project.
- EmergentMind provides links and resources for scientists, scholars, meditators, and others working to understand how physics, physiology, and consciousness interact.
- Peace X Peace is women connecting, women leading, working to empower and encourage women to join and support global networks to foster understanding and cooperation across divides.
- Puzzles With A Purpose is dedicated to creating powerful tools for positive change using jigsaw puzzles as meditation tools for raising planetary and self consciousness. An interesting metaphor for connection.
- The Message Company is very practical in its mission to mix spirit with science and business. They believe it makes sense to have fun and prosper while fostering consciousness.
- The Global Art Project invites people to create a work of art expressing global unity to exchange with a person in another part of the world, resulting in love and friendship encircling the earth.
- Stardrive, Jack Sarfatti's amazing array of conscious creativity and who knows what next. An extraordinary excursion into post-modern physics and unconstrained imagination.
The Cluetrain Manifesto,
A powerful global conversation has begun. Through the Internet, people are discovering and inventing new ways to share relevant knowledge with blinding speed.
- The Divine Way of Spiritual Heart promotes spiritual self-perfection. It's an interesting combination of religion and scientific argument, with a wonderful library of natural beauty in photos, etc.
TT ~ The Table announces that it is
the only one that does david bohm-dialogue on-line,
eschewing capitalization for iconic abbreviation and spelling,to share things, to get to gether in TAS (thought as a system).
The World Mind Society intends to help us toward enlightenment through
education, meditation and the employment of group mind force.
- Young Rebels lists dozens of points we must consider about human life it we hope to live long and prosper. Organized curiously backwards in 46 brief, thoughtful discussions of where we really are.
- The Principia Cybernetica Web tackles a spectrum of philosophical issues relating to the world as an entity, metamorphizing under the influence of rapidly evolving technologies.
- The Healer Within is a loving introduction to personal healing and the natural extension of healing to family, community, and ultimately to the Earth.
- Imagine Peace on Earth is an activist site, examining education, the military, industry, and politics, proposing transformations for life.
- NASA is the premier source for pictures and perspectives of Earth from space, and this is a good site to for exploration.
- Other links, more oriented to scholarly references are available. There are many other interesting sites we might offer here, and as we note them, perhaps because of your suggestions to GCP, we will update.
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