GCP Egg Number 1
A node in the EGG network

Note: Changes have been made in the equipment described here, but I will leave this as is to preserve the original history. For more on Roger Nelson, check the somewhat more focused brief bio. A more inclusive description of my background is given in an autobiographical sketch written for the Parapsychology Foundation.
This may be used as a sample page for a description and possibly pictures showing the locale of one node in the network of outlying eggs. This site is being used during the pilot phase of the GCP to test various REG/RNG devices and software configurations. Its standard configuration is a permanent
connection to the net, using a PEAR Portable REG. As of this writing, on 98-09-20, it has a prototype for a MINDSONG Micro-REG in place (for about a week), and some of the data during the pilot phase have been generated by an ORION RNG. The PEAR Portable was reinstalled 98-09-22 at about 11:00 UTC.
The egg is located in Princeton NJ, at Roger Nelson’s home. The host computer is a Pentium 90, with 16 megabytes of memory and a 1 gig disk that is home to a dual operating system. Linux is preferred, and almost always running. The computer serves also as my work machine, where most of my email correspondence and other writing is done, usually via telnet to one of the Princeton University Unix servers or to noosphere. It is a busy machine, but it keeps up with the computing needs of the egg very nicely, especially since revision three of the software, which provides excellent time synchronization without taking priority in the CPU utilization.

photo portrait
by Carl Haag
(click for large version)
I have collected a few odd bits, mostly images, that I like. The images are big, and will take a long time to download via modem, but you’re welcome. For a look at what I feel close to, however, you should look at the poetic history that defines and motivates the spritual aspects of this project. Given the opportunity, I hope also to make some time to put other materials here, sampling from my history and interests in photography, theater, music ... the arts. For a user-friendly description of the project itself, check out The EGG Story.
And speaking of art, my friend Carl Haag took the picture on the right at a retreat on the Jersey shore. Makes me look pretty arty alright. Another friend, Regine Corngold, caught me in a serious mode while trying out my Canon S-100 camera, which I also used for a self portrait.